Lab 14 graham cracker approach to plate tectonics

This theory also s ays t hat most of these plates ar e in. Graham slam tectonic plate lab, partial answer key studylib. Use the knife spread a thick layer of frosting in the center of the wax paper. Immediately remove the crackers and lay them endtoend on the frosting with the wet edges nearly touching. Give each pair of students one long graham cracker broken in half. Buy wax paper, knives, frosting, fruit rollups, and graham crackers. These plates move on the top of the hot plastic upper mant le known as the asthenosphere. This lab will present the students with several opportunities to observe tectonic activity and learn firsthand how the surface of the earth operates on a daily basis. This theory also says that most of these plates are in motion, creating.

To model the interactions of earths tectonic plates as they move about its surface. The graham crackers represent the crust of the earth. The frosting represents the layer of lava, or the mantle, on which earths crust floats. To study the interactions and consequences of the tectonic plates on the earths surface using common snack food for the raw materials. Plate tectonicsgraham cracker lab by junior high school. Each piece of graham cracker represents a continental. In this windows to the universe activity, students use these items to model the different types of plate. Using the online resources at the earthquakes living lab, students examine information and gather evidence supporting the theory. If you were absent, complete the graham cracker plate tectonics make up lab 9. I have copied the picture and information for continental drift front to back, and the picture and information for plate tectonics front to back. Graham cracker tectonics by bryce hixson this lab is an introduction to the boundary zones between tectonic plates and how we currently believe they are formed.

Dip one end of each of the two graham crackers into a cup of water. Set 2 crackers aside on your table title a new journal page. To understand how plate boundaries interact with each other and the features created as they drift atop the slow moving asthenosphere. Learn the difference between continents and oceans, dive into the earths layers to find out about plate tectonics. How do the movements of tectonic plates cause geological events. The theory of plate tectonics states that the crust of the earth is composed of 7 major plates and numerous smaller plates. Dip one end of each of the two graham crackers two centimeter one inch into a cup of water.

T he theory of plate tectonics states that the crust of the ear t h is c ompos ed of 7 major pl ates and numerous smaller pl ates. In this lab, we will investigate the possible interaction taking place at various plate boundaries. Gently put the wet cracker section and a dry cracker section on the layer of frosting. Place about 14 whole graham crackers inside a ziptop plastic bag. What happens to the wet ends of the graham crackers. Learn how earths tectonic plates interact in this delicious activity. Tectonics lab and write down the questions and answers in your journal after thursdays lab. Find it in a collection made up of pre and postlabs, group discussions, and answering questions.

Graham cracker model of plate tectonics miss hernandez. First the students spread out the frosting so it is about 1cm thick. Just a little info the theory of plate tectonics states that the crust of the earth is composed of seven major plates and. Model the plates movements using frosting and graham crackers to. The kids will move broken graham crackers on top of a frosted sheet of wax paper to create divergent, convergent, transform fault, and sub.

Plate movements introduction the theory of plate tectonics states that the crust of the earth is composed of less than twenty separate plates that float on the hot plastic mantle of the inner earth. Place 2 dry crackers side by side on top of the frosting. This goto graham cracker pie crust recipe makes it easy to create a truly delectable homemade dessert. Looking for a handson approach to understanding the plate tectonics cycle. Plate movement directly affects the destruction of earths surface because the more dense plates sink causing a trench where the plates are thoroughly destroyed. The theory of plate tectonics states that the crust of the earth is composed of seven major plates and numerous smaller plates. Graham cracker plate tectonics lesson plan for 7th 10th. It should be about the size of a whole graham cracker.

Graham cracker plate tectonics plate tectonics, earth. This theory also says that most of these plates are in motion, creating a variety of. These plates move on the top of the hot plastic upper mantle known as the asthenosphere. Graham cracker plate tectonics activity kwl chart 16 posters.

This graham cracker plate tectonics lesson plan is suitable for 7th 10th grade. The denser crust sinks underneath the less dense plate and skinks down and melts. Go back to the guided discovery problems examples page. The theory of plate tectonics states that the crust of the earth is composed of 16 major pieces or plates. Snack tectonics for my model i used food to help model plate tectonics. By contrast, when continental lithosphere approaches a plate boundary, deformation can extend hundreds of kilometres into the continental interior because. Spread a new layer of cake frosting on the wax paper. Plate tectonicsgraham cracker lab this is also called snack tectonics. I give the students each a edible earth changes explanation sheet for them to record the explanation on. Working in pairs, students think like engineers and connect what they understand about the theory of plate tectonics to the design of structures for earthquakeresistance. Students can model plates creating subduction zones, the creations of vault lines, and the creation of new crust. These plates ride on the hot plastic upper mantle known as the asthenosphere. Apes graham cracker approach to plate tectonics lab purpose.

Then they place the fruit rollups next to each other, push down slightly and. What can you do with fruit rollups, graham crackers and frosting in your science class. The crust is broken into pieces, which is why i gave you two graham crackers. Place a spoonful of frosting on the wax paper for each pair of students. Graham cracker plate tectonics this quick and tasty kids science activity gives little scientists a hands on way to explore plate tectonics the movement of the earths crust that leads to the formation of volcanoes, mountains, and oceanic trenches. This theory also says that most of these plates are in. Students use graham crackers and icing to represent and observe how tectonic plates behave. Plates are constantly being created from divergent boundaries. Plate movement directly affects the construction of earths surface because the land recycles and creates new crust by divergent plates. The theory of plate tectonics cdrom, an excellent tutorial by tasa graphics that explores many aspects of the theory of plate tectonics, including the background needed to complete the geoworld lab. Graham cracker plate tectonics tagged convergent plate, divergent plate, elementary, middle school, plate tectonics, science, science activities, science experiment, science ideas, science lab, science station, teaching, tectonic plate 1 comment. Graham cracker model of plate tectonics class set do not mark. This lab is an introduction to the boundary zones between tectonic plates and how we currently believe they are formed. Four resources make up a collection that breaks down each part of the plate tectonic cycle.

How do wet crackers act more like real plates than dry crackers. Plate boundary description landformsfeatures materials. Using the knife respread a thick layer of frosting in the center of the wax paper. Each piece of graham cracker represents a continental plate. Which movement from your plate tectonics boundary graphic organizer would cause volcanoes. Edible plate tectonics page 6 converging oceanic or oceanic and continental plates graham cracker and fruit rollup or two fruit rollups moving toward one another creating a subduction zone. Phet sims are based on extensive education research and engage students through an intuitive, gamelike environment where students learn through exploration and discovery. Second grade lesson incredible edible earth changes. Name date class period snack tectonics lab exercise. In this lab frosting is the asthenosphere, fruit rollups are oceanic crust, and graham crackers represented continental crust.

As the boundaries move apart, the magma rises up and cools to become rock. There are two basic plate types which we will simulate today. To study the interactions of the tectonic plates as they move slowly on the asthenosphere. Plate movement shows that the earths surface is constantly changing. To identify and describe the three types of plate boundaries and their individual effects on the earth pre lab questions. Tell students to place one of the graham cracker halves lightly onto the frosting asthenosphere next to the remaining fruit roll up piece. To represent the natural world by creating models and analyzing their limitations. This is an uncomplicated approach to making a companyworthy pie crust. Gently push the continent graham cracker towards the ocean plate fruit roll up until the two overlap and the graham cracker is on top. Founded in 2002 by nobel laureate carl wieman, the phet interactive simulations project at the university of colorado boulder creates free interactive math and science simulations. These plates ride on the hot plastic upper mantle called the asthenosphere.

Copy of the plate tectonic exit ticket for each student. To identify and demonstrate the forces that shape the features of the earth 2. Dip one end of each of the two graham crackers two centimeters into a cup of water. The kids will move broken graham crackers on top of a frosted sheet of wax paper to create divergent, convergent, transform fault, and subduction zone boundaries.

I am leaving this as a free idea because it has a spel. The theory also states that the motion of these plates creates a variety of interactions at the plate. Immediately remove the crackers and lay them end to end on the cool whip with the wet edges nearly touching. The theory was formulated in the 1960s and 1970s as new information was obtained about the nature of the ocean floor, earths. This video walks through the gram cracker plate tectonics lab. Break one whole graham cracker into two square pieces by following the perforations on the cracker. Spread a thick layer of frosting on the paper plate. Schaefer the theory of plate tectonics states that the crust of the earth is composed of 7 major plates and numerous smaller plates. The oceanic plate is subducted below the continental one. In this plate tectonics worksheet, students use graham crackers, frosting, water and a paper plate to simulate tectonic processes such as convergent, divergent and transforming plate boundaries. Graham cracker plate tectonics lab just a little info the theory of plate tectonics states that the crust of the earth is composed of seven major plates and numerous smaller plates. Graham cracker plate tectonics playdough to plato this quick and tasty kids science activity gives little scientists a hands on way to explore plate tectonics the movement of the earths crust that leads to the formation of volcanoes, mountains, and oceanic trenches. Slowly push the two crackers together, modeling the collision or convergence between two continental plates. What feature do the resulting ends of the wet crackers represent.

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